Twój Startup - logo

Price List



300-350 zł/month

Виртуальный офис

Virtual office

od 59 zł/month net

Ведение бухгалтерии


starts at 160 zł/month net

Обслуживание иностранцев

Legalization support

250 zł/month

Аренда помещения для проведения презентаций

Rental of conference rooms

starts at 35 zł/h net

Ведение бухгалтерии


starts at 100 zł/month net

Юридическая поддержка

Legal support

250 zł/month

IT поддержка

IT support

starts at 49 zł/h net

Бизнес план

Business plan

starts at 100 zł/month net


Twój StartUp is an open creative initiative where most people can work on their projects.
It is fully available to everyone who needs creative space.
Contact us and learn more about our work!

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Write us a message!
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Data Controller of Your personal data provided is Fundacja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości “Twój StartUP”. Personal data will be processed in order to make contact and answer. Your questions full information concerning processing of Your personal data is available HERE.